Tarot 444 the Collective
The Temperance card says patience is key…especially now
A series to deliver messages to the collective through tarot. I hope this finds someone who needs it. If a message does not apply, you do not have to accept it. Love always — autumn.
Nov. 4, 2020 — TEMPERANCE
The Temperance card is a major arcana card, which means that this message is of the utmost importance. Spirit wants you to really listen. Given everything that’s happened astrologically (a powerful Blue Moon on Halloween and that tricky Mercury stationing direct), as well as what’s occurring down here on Earth with the US presidential election, Temperance is asking for your patience.
A lot is happening on a big scale, things feel more dire and urgent. But in the midst of it all, we must slow down and remain balanced as best as we can.
Have patience with the cosmos in bringing in those blessings you’ve manifested.
Have patience with the world and allow the necessary processes to take place.
Have patience with yourself and give yourself the space to take your time, to rest without feeling guilty.
It’s a hard and awkward thing to ask for right now, patience, but Temperance is doing it anyway. No matter what level, things will work out the way they are meant to. Yes, that does sound more ominous than soothing at this point in time. But keep your focus on what you can control (which in reality is very little) and give up what you can’t to Spirit.
Seek balance within yourself before striving to set everything right out in the world. That is what’s most important now.