A winter theme is simply better than a Christmas theme
Debate your mother!
I asked myself one morning while making pancakes and giving my Christmas playlist an obligatory listen, “Do I even like Christmas that much?” Aside from the family time, the gift giving, and the sweet treats, I don’t think I really care for Christmas, aesthetically. What I do enjoy is a nice winter wonderland, an icy dreamscape, frosty bliss~ It’s just so chic in ways that Christmas just isn’t. And I’m more than happy to explain why — I’ve got three simple reasons for the Saint Nick lovers. Just stay with me for a second…I might be able to convince you.
1. Winter is stylish
As I said before, winter themed anything is just chic as hell. While candy cane stripes, jingle bells and all elf or Santa-related attire can become gaudy very quickly, fluffy (faux) furs, ice/snow motifs, and shimmering silvers and whites just have a sharp, timeless quality that can be translated into fashion or decor quite easily.
Even if you don’t like the winter season, you can’t deny that a clean, sparkling blanket of snow is pleasing to the eye (inspirational, even! To every poet, ever!). Apply that to say, a party. I’m seeing grand ice sculptures, white tulle tutus on the hired ballerinas, twinkling lights that bounce off the icicles hanging from who knows where…can you see the vision? It’s just a theme that anyone could pull off. Plus, you don’t have to be all merry fa-la-la at all times — the ice queen vibe is very high fashion.
2. Winter is universal
We say Happy Holidays in order to be inclusive, right? Not everyone celebrates Christmas, and therefore its reach is very limited. Beyond is commercial appeal, Christmas doesn’t have much to stand on (*is struck down by God*).
However, winter is always being experienced somewhere in the world, or at least the aesthetic aspect of it. Yes, I’m aware that some places never see snow, but that doesn’t mean it’s never winter. The winter solstice is going to come whether you like it or not, but people can, and often do, choose to opt out of Christmas.
I’m just saying, no one would ever feel awkward at your wintry house party. They’d say, “Wow, I really love this stylishly inclusive and general theme. I love winter! I do not love Christmas!”
….we are the world, we are the winter children~
3. Winter has longevity
Christmas is temporary, but winter is forever. Forever, as in until the vernal equinox, but you get the idea. Christmas only lasts a day. You build up the excitement for the entire month of December (or maybe November, too, if you’re one of those people) only to have it all blow away in Santa’s sleigh dust on the 26th. Where’s the fun in that? After a certain amount of time, it’s no longer cute to have your Christmas regalia out on display.
Winter lasts well beyond Jesus’s birthday (if Dec. 25th is even his actual birthday, but I digress). You could get away with winter vibes through February if you so desired. Besides, in temperate areas like the one I currently live in, winter winter doesn’t truly go into full effect until January anyway, so the fun would have only just begun. Put the fake snow on everything!
To wrap up (not a Christmas pun)…
I’ve just got to say, I’m not a Christmas hater, per se. I’m just bored of it. And ever since June, when I openly came out as someone who despises the summertime, I think my appreciation for winter is only growing and getting stronger. I am a winter baby after all (Februarians, stand up!), so maybe my true nature is emerging, finally, after years of being socially conditioned to love the sweltering heat of summer.
Maybe there’s some self-psychoanalyzing to be done here — this is a fun pastime for me, after all. Am I over Christmas because I know I can never return to the good days of being young and unencumbered by real world responsibilities, and have thus become bitter towards this holiday that taunts me with the nostalgia of that time? And do I now gravitate towards winter because it reflects the current state of my young adult life (frozen in place, cold, stripped bare)?
Nah, I just like pretty, sparkly snow on things. And fluffy earmuffs! :)